I have felt the earth shake and earth quake more than I ever needed to. To feel is to heal. I’ve learned that to start is to begin… again. The beginning again and again — if we only are brave enough, bold enough, formed enough, shall we see that there’s light within us and we […]

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I was at the coffee shop, like most mornings, with my daughter Olivia. Walking in, she began to wave at two ladies. They immediately smiled and waved back, so joyful. My daughter is joy personified, I thought. They couldn’t stop talking about her once inside. They circled back and came up to us. They wanted […]

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“Eliminate the distractions and just make the time, as best you can.“ Journaling and solitude can welcome the wave of clarity. I’m a Los Angeles transplant, having moved here from Louisiana some years ago. While here, my life has blossomed without me consciously even knowing. Reflecting back, I can see it sprouting and sprawling into […]

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“What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore–And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over–like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sagslike a heavy load. Or does it explode?” Langston Hughes (from his poem, Harlem) Most […]

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I'm a creator, storyteller, wife + mama! A Louisiana gal, living in Los Angeles. I have a laughing heart and an adventurous spirit.

There's no challenge too hard to conquer, no problem too hard to solve.

I have a background in filmmaking and the tools to help you see you're well equipped to unlock your full creative potential!

I'm Jess!
iced coffee obsessed
seeks every sunrise
problem solver
southern kinda gal
