Walking in, she began to wave at two ladies. They immediately smiled and waved back, so joyful. My daughter is joy personified, I thought. They couldn’t stop talking about her once inside. They circled back and came up to us. They wanted to talk to her, asked her name and began to compliment…
“I could never do my hair in the mornings…”
Hmm, I thought, she likes my daughter’s hair. Cool!
“It looks so nice, your hair.”
My hair? Oh she’s talking about me? They began to giddy over Olivia again. They walked away for a few minutes, got their drinks, and came back over.
“You’re doing such a great job!” One of them said to me.
Wow, I thought. This stranger has given me a compliment that — to my surprise — I needed. To hear it from someone who doesn’t even know me or my daughter.
Just by our mere presence in this moment, she decided that I’m doing a great job as a mother. It was a sweet and nice thing to say — and for me to hear.
A few moments later, an older couple came in with their dog and friend. We’ve seen them a few times now, and Olivia screamed with excitement over seeing the dog! She cheered and waved… and gave them all the best smiles!
They came over and greeted us. They remembered us. But this morning, after getting their drinks, the woman walked over a few moments later and said:
“You’re such a great mom!” And turned to Olivia and said, “You have such a great mama.”
Aww, that’s so sweet. Thank you. I responded. Just like that, two people — one we’ve never seen before and the other we’ve gotten a little familiar with — spoke into me. They said just a few words that settled inside my spirit and I immediately thought, Oh, God knew I needed to hear that.
The little unexpected moments, from strangers, acquaintances, even friends and family can alter your day in the most amazing way. I’m grateful for those small kinds (that’s what I call them). A few encouraging words, a compliment, something that may seem small but leave a big impact on the recipient and the giver, go a long way.
Let’s set out to give more small kinds, where it becomes habitual. Seeing others, hearing them, encouraging them.
I believe in our victory!
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